2023 Annual Symposium

Friday, October 13th, 2023

Homewood Campus

Glass Pavilion (Levering Hall)


Join Us

Register today to attend the Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) for a full day of big-data themed talks and project updates.


The IDIES Annual Symposium aims to bring together experts in the theoretical foundations, development, and application of data-intensive technologies and analysis to share discoveries, practical ideas, and insights as they relate to big data research.


In our effort to promote interdisciplinary collaborations, we invite anyone—from our JHU affiliates, to governmental agencies, local organizations, non-profits, and beyond—with an interest in data science and big data, especially as they pertain to one’s current or prospective research, to attend this symposium.


To learn more about IDIES and our resources, or to register to attend the symposium, please be sure to visit our website at idies.jhu.edu.

Keynote Speakers​

Alexis Battle, PhD—Johns Hopkins University

2016 Searle Scholar

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science

Speaking on:

Genomics and machine learning
Thomas Hartung's head shot

Thomas Hartung, MD, PhD—Johns Hopkins University

Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

Doerenkamp-Zbinden Chair

Professor of Environmental Health and Engineering, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Speaking on:

Organoid cultures and the use of artificial intelligence
Julia Lane's head shot

Julia Lane, PhD—New York University

Provostial Fellow for Innovation Analytics

Professor of Innovation Analytics

Speaking on:

Democratizing our data

Event Updates​

IDIES is seeking poster submissions for its 2023 annual symposium.

2023 IDIES Annual Symposium Call for Posters

The Institute for Data-Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) is seeking poster submissions for the 2023 IDIES Annual Symposium.

More Details »


9:15 AM: Opening Remarks (Alex Szalay)

9:30 AM: Keynote (Alexis Battle)

10:00 AM: SSEC Update (Edward Hunter)

10:20 AM: Sheridan/Data Services and LoveDataWeek Update (Peter Lawson)

10:35 AM: Break

11:15 AM: SEED Award Update (Joseph Angelo & Ed Chen)

11:30 AM: ARCH Update (Jaime Combariza)

11:45 AM: Summer Student Fellow Update (Sampath Rapuri)

11:55 AM: SEED Awardee Update (Venus Van Ness & Caleb Alexander)

12:10 PM: Summer Student Fellow Update (Jay Kim)

12:20 PM: Poster Madness

12:50 PM: Lunch and Poster Gallery

2:00 PM: SciServer Update & Poster Winner (Gerard Lemson)

2:20 PM: SEED Award Update (Keith Clark & Corey Oses)

2:35 PM: Keynote (Thomas Hartung)

3:05 PM: Summer Student Fellow Update (William Shiber)

3:15 PM: Break

3:45 PM: SEED Award Update (Angelo Mele & Co-Pierre Georg)

4:00 PM: Keynote (Julia Lane)

4:30 PM: Closing Remarks (Alex Szalay)

4:45 PM: Reception

Seed Award Speakers​

A headshot of Dr. G Caleb Alexander, who has short gray hair, light skin, a navy jacket and a blue collared shirt. The background is out of focus.

Dr. Caleb Alexander, MD, MS

Harnessing Image Detection to Help Address the U.S. Opioid Epidemic: An Analysis of the Opioid Industry Documents Archive

Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Founding co-Director of the Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness and Principal Investigator of the Johns Hopkins Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI)

A headshot of Dr. Edward S. Chen wearing a white lab coat over a light blue button-down shirt. He has short, black hair parted to one side and is smiling. The background is a textured blue gradient.

Dr. Edward S. Chen, MD

Expanding the Clinical Capability and Scalability of Truly Remote Vital Sign Monitoring

Director of Respiratory Care Services at Johns Hopkins Bayview; Chair of the Hopkins Epic Development Project Critical Care workgroup

A headshot of Angelo Mele. He has a shaved head and oval glasses. He is wearing a suit and in front of a blurred-out interior background.

Angelo Mele

Systemic Risk and Externalities in Software Dependency Networks

PhD; Associate Professor of Economics, Affiliate Faculty at the Hopkins Population Center 

A headshot of Corey Oses who is against a plain background. He has short dark hair and is wearing a collared shirt and tie.

Corey Oses

High-Entropy Anchors for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

PhD Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Head of the Entropy for Energy Laboratory

Summer Student Fellowship (SSF) Speakers

An outdoor headshot of student Jay Kim who has short, dark hair, parted to the side. Kim is smiling and wearing a light colored polo shirt.

Jay Kim

Advised by Professor Mitra Taheri

Intelligent Microscopy Methods for Characterizing Intermediate States Using Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)

Second-year Student in Materials Science & Engineering, Computer Science

A headshot of Sampath Rapuri. He is wearing a navy suit jacket and against a plain gray background. He has short, dark brown hair, glasses, and is smiling.

Sampath Rapuri

Advised by Professor Robert D. Stephens

Development and External Validation of a Machine Learning Model for Pulmonary Embolism

Second-year Student in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science

Headshot of William Shiber

William Shiber

Advised by Professor Corey Oses

AFLUX@JHU: Materials Search-API for the JHU aflow.org Data Repositories

Second-year Student in Applied Mathematics & Statistics